
(210) 486-5179


欢迎来到东北湖景学院!  The 残疾支援服务 (DSS) Department is committed to providing all students including our distance education students with equal access to quality education 和 providing reasonable accommodations to eligible students. 除了作为残疾学生的倡导者, our office also works 关闭ly with faculty 和 staff members in order to monitor students’ progress 和 encourage a positive educational experience. 

残疾人士住宿申请表 申请咨询服务

需要翻译服务? 点击链接了解更多信息.






The 十大网赌正规网址官网区 (ACD) is committed to providing a learning environment that is equal to all students.  为了实现这一目标, ACD complies with all requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act 和 第504节 of the Rehabilitation Act.  All students will receive a discrimination-free education with all services provided to ensure an equal opportunity for higher education. This section defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities or an individual, 记录:这种损害的记录, 被认为有这种缺陷. If you would like to establish 和/or renew services, please follow the information below.


第一次要求住宿, 学生需填写网上申请表格,自我确认. 你可以上传你的文件副本作为填写表格的一部分.  如果您没有文件的电子副本, 您可以跳过该部分并提交表单,而不需要它. 你可以带着你的文件的纸质副本到DSS办公室进行扫描, 或者您可以通过电子邮件或传真将文件发送给DSS.


当DSS收到并处理你的申请时, 我们将通过电话联系您安排预约.  如果DSS无法通过电话与您联系,我们将发送电子邮件给您的学生办公室.Edu电子邮件帐户. DSS预约是通过Zoom和In-Person预约进行的.


每个学生都将被提供最适合他们的住宿. 这是基于他们的支持文件和诊断. 我们可能提供的便利的一个例子是额外的作业时间, 考试和测验的时间加倍, 在安静的地方进行测试, 等.


Once approved for accommodations, the student 和 professor will be emailed a copy of the letter. 教授可以在他们那端看到这封信. The student is responsible for reaching out to their professor 和 confirming that they have received the letter of accommodation. This will allow for communication on how the accommodation will be utilized during the course.


There are differences in the accommodations we can provide for in-person courses versus online. We can provide accommodation for both options 和 this can be further discussed during the intake meeting with the student.

How to request disability services for class accommodations for NEW 和 RETURNING students with disabilities on-campus 和 virtually?
  1. 完成 申请残疾人士服务表格
  2. 提供有关残疾的证明文件(i.e. 医疗记录, 由卫生保健提供者创建的评估, 学校心理学家, 或精神科医生),要求提供住宿.
  3. 请协助填写申请表, 请致电210-486-5179或亲临学生公用大楼室. 210.
How to request disability support services for TSI/登记/Enrollment on-campus 和 virtually?
  1. 完成 申请残疾人士服务表格
  2.  提供有关残疾的证明文件(i.e. 医疗记录, 由卫生保健提供者创建的评估, 学校心理学家, 或精神科医生),要求提供住宿.
  3. 请协助填写申请表, 请致电210-486-5179或亲临学生共用楼室. 210.
  1. 请与残疾支持服务办公室联系 NLC-DSSCounsel@3111427.com 寄给你补充住宿表.
  2. 提供有关残疾的证明文件(i.e. 医疗记录, 由卫生保健提供者创建的评估, 学校心理学家, 或精神科医生),要求提供住宿.
  3. If you have any questions 请致电210-486-5179或亲临学生共用楼室. 210.

十大网赌正规网址官网区 provides Deaf 和 Hard-of-Hearing services to eligible students through 圣安东尼奥学院. A videophone is available in DSS for students to communicate directly with an interpreter. Students 和 the community are welcome to use the videophone at their convenience during regular hours of operation.

如需帮助,请致电(210)486-5487或发送电子邮件 nlc-dsscounsel@3111427.com 安排预约.

