SAC SCORES Fall 2024

SAC SCORES的主要目标是对大学在综合战略规划方面的工作进行全面的内部评估. 这个数据日非常成功,学院决定在秋季开学周和春季学期进行SAC分数.

All faculty, staff, chairs, department directors, and administrators participated in this interactive activity.


Fall 2024 SAC Scores Assessment Day - TBD

SAC SCORES PREPARATION BY AREA (Click boxes to expand)

Getting Started

What is SAC Scores?

SAC分数的主要目标是完成对圣安东尼奥学院在综合战略规划方面的全面内部评估. SAC Scores Day is an opportunity to assess all Student Success, Academic Success, 及书院服务单位,并制订策略,持续改善院校评估工作.

What is my role on SAC Scores Day?

Every San Antonio College employee should participate in SAC Scores. 提前与你的主管会面,确定你当天的具体职责和可交付成果. 参加小组讨论,积极与团队成员合作. Participate enthusiastically in all sessions; remember your goal is to reflect back on your accomplishments and chart a course for the future. Most importantly, be yourself. If you succeed - your team succeeds. If your team succeeds, our students succeed!

Why do we have SAC Scores?

教职员工发现自己在问:“我们为什么要评估我们的单元?答案有两个:1)问责制;2)提高单位绩效. 而评估我们的单位是我们的认证机构和利益相关者的要求, 这并不是我们致力于评估SAC子公司的唯一原因. 学院致力于使用计划-执行-检查-行动(PDCA)模式不断改进,以提高学生的成功. When every unit is successful - our students are successful.

How can my Department/Unit use the day?

教师和工作人员开始一天的一般会议(见时间表). 参加完全体会议后,个人应到本单位报到参加预定的活动. SAC Scores deliverables are due by the close of business.

Student Success Units – should assess strategic planning, 根据部门主任的指示制定关键绩效指标, and student success learning outcomes.
Academic Success Units – should assess strategic planning, 根据部门主任的指示制定关键绩效指标, and student learning outcomes.
College Services Units – should assess strategic planning, 和关键绩效指标(kpi),由部门主任指导.

Who coordinates data collection on SAC Scores Day?


Strategic Planning data is supported by Catherine Coppersmith (

学院和个人层面的KPI数据由机构研究(Institutional Research)提供支持. Savithra Eratne (, Nina Lopez (, or Erik Naslund (

学生学习成果数据由学习成果评估主任提供支持, Rosalind Ong ( or 此外,你的主管应该能够为你提供一些单位级别的资源.

Strategic Planning (Required For All Units)

Strategic Planning Leads

Mid-Year Activities/Deliverables

  • Unit Plan
  • Unit Plan Objectives (for 2023-2024)
  • Targets Mid-Year
  • Action Plan Mid-Year
  • Mid-Year Findings and Analysis



Institutional Research

Faculty/Adjunct Faculty

  • Use of Data Faculty Form will be emailed to Faculty Members by 16th February (one per course taught). (MUST download, save, and open in Acrobat Adobe to update)

 Academic Coordinators/DARs

  • Use of Data Rubric Form will be emailed to Faculty Members by 16th February (one per rubric or program). (MUST download, save, and open in Acrobat Adobe to update)
  • Use of Data Program Form (available by 16th February) 
    • AA   will be available soon
    • AS   will be available soon
    • AAT will be available soon
    • AAS will be emailed to Program Coordinators by 16th February (one per rubric or program). (MUST download, save, and open in Acrobat Adobe to update)

Non-Academic Staff and Non-Teaching Staff (Required)

Learning Assessment (Required for Academic Success & Student Success)

Academic Coordinators/DARs

Academic Success Chairs (Dean if no chair for discipline/program)

Review the forms in your areas. 在表格上的反馈字段提供反馈,并返回给您的协调员/DAR/主任上传到 SAC Scores website.  Follow up with any area whose forms were incomplete or not submitted.

Student Success Lead

SPRING 2024 SAC Scores

***Locate your FALL 2023 SAC Scores LA 1 Form. 如果你是新来的,你可以在 SAC Scores Document Repository

Set Up a meeting with IPPE Learning Assessment:

  1. (Download & Save to your computer) LA 1 (Learning Assessment Reflection-Student Success Form)
    • Video Support: Guide to completing the “Learning Assessment Reflection - Student Success” form: Coming Soon


  1. (Download & Save to your computer) LA 5 (Department Assessment Validation Committee- Process Form)

Student Success Dean

Review the forms in your areas. 在表格上的反馈字段提供反馈,并将反馈给表格上列出的您的主管/主管,以便上传到 SAC Scores website.  Follow up with any area whose forms were incomplete or not submitted. 


IPPE Calendar